Upcoming Aviation Events


Safer Skies Through Education

Flight Advisory GPS Interference Testing (Notice #: NOTC4294)

Fort Campbell Kentucky (FTCPKY) 25-28

February 26 to March 6

Fort Campbell, KY 

The entire flight advisory maybe accessed and downloaded at the following address:


Pilots are advised to check NOTAMs frequently for possible changes prior to operation in the area.

NOTAMs will be published at least 24 hours in advance of this event.



EAA 1525 Pancake Breakfast 

Morehead-Rowan County Airport (KSYM)

March 1 8-10:30 AM

The EAA Chapter 1525, will host its monthly pancake breakfast at the Morehead-Rowan County Clyde A. Thomas Regional Airport. This event is held on the 1st Saturday of each month, 8-10:30 am, serving pancakes with sausage and eggs. The price is $5.00 per person, and the proceeds will support the EAA flight programs for those interested in aviation, including Eagle Flights and Young Eagle Programs. 


Safer Skies Through Education

“Spring into Weather with Danielle Breezy and the Nashville Ninety-Nines!”

Topic: Understanding Spring Weather to Make a Go/No-Go Decision

Thursday, March 6 at 6:30 

Location: Tennessee Flight Training

801 Hangar Lane

Hangar Unit 7

Nashville, TN 37217

Select #: CE19135488

EAA Meeting

Capital City Airport Chapter

March 9 @ 2-3 PM


Women in Aviation Meeting Louisville Chapter

Bowman Field – Flight Club 502

March 10 @ 6-7 PM

Meet at ping pong table inside Flight Club 502

EAA 1165 Chapter

Bowling Green Warren County Regional Airport (KBWG)

March 13 @ 6:30 PM

BWG Terminal Facilities

Need more info:

Dave Coldwell (270) 991-1911


Kentucky Pilots Association Monthly Meeting

Samuels Field (KBRY)

March 13 @ 6:30-8 PM

This is the monthly meeting of the Kentucky Pilots Association. Every 2nd Thursday of the month.

Contact Randy White (502) 396-2880 or [email protected]

Fly-In Drive-In

Mayfield Graves Co Airport – One Niner Diner Hangar C-2

March 15 @ 8:30 to 10:30 AM

Fly-In/Drive-In Breakfast, presented by: Purchase Area Aviators EAA Chapter 807 Every third Saturday of the month at One-Niner Diner (Hangar C-2 – M25)


Rusty Pilot Seminar

Blue Grass Airport – LEX

March 15 9 AM – 12:30 PM

Free for AOPA members. The fee is for non-members to attend is $89 (plus a 5% credit card processing fee), which includes the seminar, and all course materials. If you’re not a AOPA member, this is a great time to join and get all the benefits that come with being part of the world’s largest aviation community. Join AOPA today for only $89 to access award-winning publications, aviation, and medical experts who can answer all your questions, flight planning tools, safety courses and more. Best of all, as an AOPA member, you can attend this Rusty Pilots seminar for FREE. If you have any problems registering for Rusty Pilots, please call AOPA Membership Services at 800-872-2672. https://webforms.aopa.org/event/aopa-rusty-pilots-seminar-at-blue-grass-airport-lex/e643897

25 Annual Girl Scout Aviation Event

Flight Club 502 (LOU)

March 15 @ 1-4 PM

Girls from 4th through 12th grade are invited. You do NOT have to be a Girl Scout. They will see all female presenters from Air Traffic Control, aircraft mechanics, drones, airline pilots, private pilot requirements, aircraft preflight, and Civil Air Patrol. We are on a mission to introduce multiple aviation opportunities to school-age girls. $10  per scout.

Flight Sim Sunday

Aviation Museum of Kentucky Blue Grass Airport (LEX)

March 16

Flight sims are included in the admission price! For more information visit www.aviationky.org


VMC Club Meeting

Bowman Field – Aero Club

March 19 @ 7-8 PM

Associated organizations: EAA Kentuckiana Volunteer Aviators


IMC Club Meeting

The Aero Club at Bowman Field (KLOU)

March 27 @ 7-8:30 PM

The scenario-based discussion focused on building proficiency in instrument flight. The EAA Chapter 110 IMC Club provides a hangar-flying experience organized around instrument flight to promote safety, education, and proficiency. Every meeting consist of a scenario presentation, group discussion, and discussions of unusual or exciting charts, changed rules, procedures, and member experiences.